[AstroPy] Deployment and packaging

Tommy Grav tgrav at mac.com
Tue Jun 14 21:44:33 EDT 2011

On Jun 14, 2011, at 9:12 PM, Perry Greenfield wrote:

>> - Base Python binary installation with NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib
> But how to distribute binaries? And what about non-Python tools that  
> are useful in the suite of astronomical tools?

Maybe I am misunderstanding, but when I am looking for a python
astronomy package I don't want a slew of non-python tools. What
I am looking for is packages that are useful as packages to use
in my own python codes. pyfits and pywcs are great examples of
clean python packages that are fairly easy to install and use
in python code. I am hoping and advocating that astropy/astrolib
becomes something like scipy, rather than just a bag of disparate 
package that have little on common than astronomy. 


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