[AstroPy] Astropy Coordination Meeting Oct 7-8 @ Yale University

Erik Tollerud erik.tollerud at gmail.com
Tue Aug 6 16:35:00 EDT 2013

Hello all,

Based on the results of the doodle poll from last month, there's enough
interest that we will hold an Astropy Coordination meeting on Oct 7-8
(Mon/Tues) at Yale University in New Haven, CT, USA.

This year we will aim for a code-oriented meeting, with no more than a
half-day of updates/talks, and the remainder of the time to be focused on
breakout group planning discussions and code sprints. A more specific
agenda (and more detailed logistics) will be posted on the wiki page as the
meeting time approaches.

If you wish to attend the meeting (either in person or remotely), please
add your name to the github wiki page at
https://github.com/astropy/astropy/wiki/Yalemeeting2013 by September 1.
This list will be used as a headcount to determine how much coffee and
lunch to order (which will be generously provided by the Yale Astronomy
Department). Additionally, if enough people sign up, we may be able to
reserve a block at a nearby hotel.

Erik T
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