[AstroPy] ESA Summer of Code in Space 2013
Thøger Rivera-Thorsen
trive at astro.su.se
Tue Jun 18 15:29:33 EDT 2013
I'm not exatly sure I understand your comments here, so a few questions:
On 2013-06-18 20:50, Wolfgang Kerzendorf wrote:
> Hi Emil,
> I fully agree that PANDAS is the choice between sanity and madness as
> I've discovered a couple of months ago! I think as there are some
> other tools being developed now in matplotlib (thinking of Tom R's
> WCSAxes), it would be nice to stick to that.
You mean it would be nice to sick with Matplotlib (but not to ditch
pandas as the backend, is that it?).
I am sure that these tools are nice, my choicce pof chaco was from a
GUI-techjnical point of view. I use Traits for all the quantities that
can be manipulated in the GUI, because it is a huge simplification
compared to the "grown-up" toolkits; and Chaco is well integrated with
and aware of Traits. Of course, it the goal is many features and tight
integration with astropy, matplotlib can possibly be a better tool, but
it is not a GUI toolkit and should not be used as such, and it requires
quite a bit more work to use, I think.
> I'm not arguing that traits is a bad choice, just from a unifying
> standpoint matplotlib makes sense.
It should be stressed that matplotlib and traits fill two completely
different functions. Traits simplifies the automatic updating of
parameters that depend on other parameters, and provides a way to easily
represent a quantity with an appropriate GUI element (boolean - tick
box, integer as either drop-down box or range slider, etc.). It is not a
plotting library - that is Chaco. Matplotlib can be integrated with
Traits, but it is a bit hairy to do, I quickly gave up and went with
Chaco instead.
> It would be great to get some of your expertise on this mentor
> application. Interested?
Yes, but I'm not sure exactly what you are asking me about :)
> Cheers,
> Wolfgang
> On 2013-06-18, at 2:39 PM, Thøger Rivera-Thorsen
> <thoger.emil at gmail.com <mailto:thoger.emil at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> I have been working on a fitting GUI for a while, although it is made
>> with a specific task in mind.
>> However, it is not based on Matplotlib but on Traits/Traitsui/Chaco
>> and Pandas. It is made for a specific projhect I'm working and as
>> such not yet usable for more general cases, but it could be a
>> starting point, if the dependencies don't conflict with astropy politics.
>> Especially, I am happy about the choice of Pandas for managing a
>> quite complex data structure (the fitted and/or guessed values of an
>> arbitrary number of transitions for an arbitrary number of rows or
>> collapsed rows of a spatially resolved spectrum) of a), but also with
>> the Traits-based interactive interface to build complex line profiles
>> from single gaussians, good for fitting-by-eye and giving good
>> initial guesses for fitting of complex line profiles. It hooks
>> directly up to a wrapper I've made for lmfit, but given the
>> modularity, it should be relatively easy to change to other backends.
>> It's still a work-in-progress, but there are some screenshots here:
>> http://flic.kr/s/aHsjGaEMGg .
>> I know the choice and number of dependencies may be prohibitive but
>> it saved a lot of work on the GUI, and Pandas means the difference
>> between sanity and madness when it comes to keeping track of so many
>> parameters.
>> Cheers,
>> Emil
>> On 2013-06-18 20:01, Wolfgang Kerzendorf wrote:
>>> Hi Jonathan,
>>> I think that's a fantastic idea! Are you raising your hand to put
>>> the application in ? I'm happy to help with some of the sections.
>>> Maybe Kelle is interested as well to join this effort. The workload
>>> divided by three might be worth it.
>>> What do you guys think?
>>> Cheers
>>> Wolfgang
>>> On 2013-06-18, at 1:54 PM, "Slavin, Jonathan"
>>> <jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu <mailto:jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu>> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Tom's post reminded me of what I was thinking after Kelle's post
>>>> earlier today: a really good project for someone would be to create
>>>> a matplotlib-based spectral line fitting package. Maybe this ESA
>>>> opportunity would work for that. Like many others I have my own
>>>> routines that I've written to do this, but they are neither general
>>>> enough nor user-friendly enough to be widely usable. I think that
>>>> a focused effort on this could produce something that would be very
>>>> helpful to many people. The requirements would be (just off the
>>>> top of my head):
>>>> - gui interface, for example for placement of line centers
>>>> - general methods for inputting data (fits, hdf5, ascii table)
>>>> - robust fitting routines that return error bars on fitted parameters
>>>> - a range of possible line shape functions (e.g. gaussian, lorentz,
>>>> etc.) and continuum fitting
>>>> - able to deal with both emission and absorption lines
>>>> I hope someone out there is interested in doing something like that.
>>>> Jon
>>>> ________________________________________________________
>>>> Jonathan D. Slavin Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
>>>> jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu <mailto:jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu> 60
>>>> Garden Street, MS 83
>>>> phone: (617) 496-7981 Cambridge, MA 02138-1516
>>>> fax: (617) 496-7577 USA
>>>> ________________________________________________________
>>>> On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 1:00 PM, <astropy-request at scipy.org
>>>> <mailto:astropy-request at scipy.org>> wrote:
>>>> Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 18:15:55 +0200
>>>> From: Thomas Robitaille <thomas.robitaille at gmail.com
>>>> <mailto:thomas.robitaille at gmail.com>>
>>>> Subject: [AstroPy] ESA Summer of Code in Space 2013
>>>> To: astropy mailing list <astropy at scipy.org
>>>> <mailto:astropy at scipy.org>>, astropy-dev mailing
>>>> list <astropy-dev at googlegroups.com
>>>> <mailto:astropy-dev at googlegroups.com>>
>>>> Message-ID:
>>>> <CAGMHX_3b6NfY-L-OHhZqjcNFSARf3K0EMOjE0u1QWnb4nYX_+Q at mail.gmail.com
>>>> <mailto:CAGMHX_3b6NfY-L-OHhZqjcNFSARf3K0EMOjE0u1QWnb4nYX_%2BQ at mail.gmail.com>>
>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> The deadline for mentoring organizations for the ESA Summer of
>>>> Code in
>>>> Space (SOCIS) 2013 is this coming Thursday.
>>>> http://sophia.estec.esa.int/socis2013/
>>>> Since we were successful with the Google Summer of Code, the
>>>> Astropy
>>>> project will not be participating as a whole, but if you are
>>>> leading
>>>> the development of a Python package for astronomy, and are
>>>> interested
>>>> in having a student work on your project, you should consider
>>>> applying! As part of this program, students are paid 4000 euros.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Tom
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