[AstroPy] ESA Summer of Code in Space 2013
Perry Greenfield
stsci.perry at gmail.com
Thu Jun 20 14:57:55 EDT 2013
I'd like echo this point as well. But I also recognize that this is a very broad area that one tool isn't going to necessarily cover well. Particularly a GUI-based tool. I'll make some comments on that in a separate message. Even so, if all the tools could share many of the basic elements, that would be a great help. Models is one such thing, units are another, a common data structure for observed spectra (or set of models if needed which probably is the case), which itself ought be be able to handle most of the I/O needs. There should be a lot in common with the different needs.
On Jun 20, 2013, at 12:27 PM, Erik Tollerud wrote:
> I want to issue a generic plea on this issue: lets do our best to join
> forces. There are already a number of tools that do part of spectrum
> plotting and line-fitting, and if we'd all work together, with less
> effort we'd have a tool that does all of those and more. That's the
> main point of Astropy, after all: encouraging collobaration on and
> re-use of python tools for astronomy. I'm partly guilty here, as I
> have a similar fitting tool in astropysics -
> http://pythonhosted.org/Astropysics/gui/spylot.html, but I'd rather
> encourage people to use a tool that we can all get behind. I'll call
> this the "Astropy spirit" :)
> That said, I see the virtue of designing a new tool (ideally an
> astropy affiliated package) to combine the shared wisdom (perhaps with
> SOCIS, if it goes through). But the *worst* thing to have happen is to
> have the other efforts continue in parallel, with everyone designing
> similar but slightly incompatible tools.
> Along similar lines, Emil and Adam (although I think Adam already
> knows about it), I'd *strongly* encourage you to take a look at the
> astropy modeling framework
> (http://docs.astropy.org/en/latest/modeling/index.html) - this will be
> in the next major release, and I'd hate to see you re-implementing all
> of that in an incompatible way. Or, if you don't like something about
> how that works for your needs, please help us make it better!
> On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 8:42 AM, Slavin, Jonathan
> <jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Adam,
>> I have used pyspeckit. There are parts of it that are very useful, but I
>> found overall that it didn't do what I wanted. For example, I wanted to
>> give it my spectrum, have it display it, allow me to manually (in the gui)
>> place my guesses for line centers (would probably need guesses for widths as
>> well) and then fit the lines (and continuum) and return the fitted line
>> centers, widths, and amplitudes, etc. along with error estimates. It's been
>> a while now since I used it, but as I recall, pyspeckit did not do all of
>> those things. There may have been other reasons as well, but in the end I
>> wrote my own fitting routines to work with the data. Am I wrong about the
>> capabilities of pyspeckit?
>> Jon
>> ________________________________________________________
>> Jonathan D. Slavin Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
>> jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu 60 Garden Street, MS 83
>> phone: (617) 496-7981 Cambridge, MA 02138-1516
>> fax: (617) 496-7577 USA
>> ________________________________________________________
>> On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 5:21 PM, <astropy-request at scipy.org> wrote:
>>> Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 13:32:31 -0700 (PDT)
>>> From: Adam Ginsburg <keflavich at gmail.com>
>>> Subject: Re: [AstroPy] ESA Summer of Code in Space 2013
>>> To: astropy-dev at googlegroups.com
>>> Cc: astropy at scipy.org
>>> Message-ID: <44536fa7-b34e-4f05-941b-2cc05535bcc5 at googlegroups.com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>> Emil and Jon - there is a package that fits exactly those requirements,
>>> called pyspeckit:
>>> pyspeckit.bitbucket.org
>>> One of my major goals over the next year is to incorporate it into astropy
>>> bit by bit, i.e. make it work with astropy.models, astropy.units, and
>>> specutils. Only a little progress in that direction has been made (in
>>> part
>>> because my coding efforts have been focused more on astroquery).
>>> Emil - there is a scipy-dependent voigt profile implemented in pyspeckit.
>>> You can check that it agrees with yours:
>>> http://pyspeckit.bitbucket.org/html/sphinx/models.html#pyspeckit.spectrum.models.inherited_voigtfitter.voigt
>>> I'm bringing this up on this particular thread because I had considered
>>> submitting pyspeckit as a SOCIS project, but I think focusing on specutils
>>> instead will be better for the community. Nonetheless, there are some
>>> specific project ideas in place that may help support the case for a
>>> student working on specutils via SOCIS:
>>> pyspeckit.bitbucket.org/html/sphinx/projects.html
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> --
> Erik
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