[AstroPy] How can I take the index of "True" value and minimum "True" in list with python ?

THƯỜNG Hoàng Đức hoangthuong.hust at gmail.com
Tue Apr 8 09:57:26 EDT 2014

Dear AstroPyer,

I have problem with ideals !
Firstly, I have two array. "ek" (one dimension - value in logspace) and
"gE0[]" (two dimension - value in logspace). After that I scan value ek in
array gE0 to find the equal value, It mean that abs(ek-gE0[:,0]) = 0. Due
to the numerical that in logspace, it can not equal zeros(There are some
point near the 0), and then I put the error for example err < 0.08 >>>>
abs(ek-gE0[:,0]) < 0.08. You can see the value below. The result I would to
take is True but it has several value < 0.08 also true, then how can i take
smallest if have several True.

In [53]: abs(ek-gE0[:,0]) < 0.08
Out[53]: array([False,  True, False, False, False, False,  True,  True,
True,  True], dtype=bool)

ek = 0.1
In [52]: gE0[:,0]
array([ 0.01      ,  0.04641589,  0.21544347,  1.        ,  1.93593016,
        0.51306049,  0.15479754,  0.06105322,  0.04410808,  0.04849499])

How can i take only the value: i = 1, value = 0.04641589 and i = 9, value =

Thankyou very muck

Merci beaucoup,


THUONG Hoang Duc

Université des Sciences et des Technologies de Hanoi(USTH)
University of Science and Technology of Hanoi(USTH)
Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)

Email: hoangthuong.hust at gmail.com
Tel: +33 06 52 92 00 96
Tel: +84 01692887738
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