[AstroPy] how to determine whether a point was observed by hst ever?

Thomas Robitaille thomas.robitaille at gmail.com
Sun Feb 16 15:16:44 EST 2014

Hi Hang,

You can query the HST archive from Python using the following URL:


modify RA, Dev, and radius as needed. I'm not sure what the latest
radius and maximum number of records is, but you could always try and
write a script that will run this for the whole sky by looping over RA
and Dec.


On 16 February 2014 15:51, gonghang.naoc <ghang.naoc at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi,
> If there is just one point, we can check stsci. How about many points?
> I just need a yes or no.  Of course an observation log is even better.
> Even we input a position and the output list is not null in stsci, there is
> not necessarily archive data covered that point because of the search radius
> and the shape of hst' fov.
> Did anybody write a similar script before?   How do you check the archive
> data? A web crawler is necessary?
> Thank you.
> hang
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