[AstroPy] Python powered GUI for secondary school education image processing and possible porting to Tablets and Smart Phones

Erik Bray embray at stsci.edu
Tue Oct 6 10:59:59 EDT 2015

On 10/02/2015 10:43 PM, Matthew Craig wrote:
> Hi again,
> A couple other projects that are python-based but use non-web backends (like I
> said in my original reply, Iā€™m biased :)) that were mentioned off list but might
> be of interest to others are:
> + ginga, main contact is Eric Jeschke, screenshots at
> http://ejeschke.github.io/ginga/ā€” ginger is a QT-based toolkit that also comes
> with a basic image browser, though that basic browser is intended as a
> demonstration of capabilities.

I was going to bring up ginga as well.  Something worth emphasizing about ginga 
is that it's more than just an DS9-alike image viewer, but also a framework for 
making one's own tools.  Its core is an image viewer GUI, but it has a nice 
plugin interface for building one's own tools around the core GUI.  So even if 
it doesn't do everything you need it to out of the box it's pretty extensible.

>>> On Oct 2, 2015, at 5:43 PM, Carl Pennypacker <crpennypacker at lbl.gov
>>> <mailto:crpennypacker at lbl.gov>> wrote:
>>> Finally, has anyone tried to compile such a python GUI or other
>>> python routines onto Androids or Apple
>>> tablets?  One the web, I see a number of systems that claim they
>>> can take Python code and make it work on smart phones, without
>>> having to learn Android or Iphone language..

I've had some experience in the past (it's been a couple years) with 
python-for-android: https://github.com/kivy/python-for-android

Depending on what you're trying to do and how complicated it is one may still 
have to dig in to some Android code (though if you get a build toolchain working 
you can get students adding Python code with relative ease.  But my experience 
has been that building stuff for Android is still not as easy as one would 
hope...  python-for-android is also centered around supporting pygame and 
pysdl2, as opposed to "traditional" desktop GUIs (which of course don't 
translate over well to smartphones anyhow).


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