[AstroPy] Opening 2MASS fits file returns all NaN data

Leonard Burtscher burtscher at mpe.mpg.de
Mon Oct 19 11:28:29 EDT 2015

Hi Daniel,

Are you sure the image is just NaNs if opened with astropy? When I open your file, I see some nans in the first column, but the rest of the image seems to be OK.

Can you try:

It returns 352.42224 on my machine.


> Am 19.10.2015 um 17:19 schrieb Daniel Evans <d.f.evans at keele.ac.uk>:
> Hello all,
> I am attempting to open a set of .fits files containing 2MASS images using astropy.io.fits (astropy v1.0.4). The files open without any errors, the headers show correctly, and the data array has the correct shape, but all the data values are set to NaN.
> DS9 is able to display the images without any problem, whilst pyfits v3.3.0 shows the same problem (perhaps unsurprising).
> An example file is available at: http://www.astro.keele.ac.uk/~devans/WASP-99_aH_asky_991014s1130092.fits
> Any thoughts?
> Regards,
> Daniel
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