[AstroPy] timeing analysis(scipy.fftpack)

Matteo matteo at matteobachetti.it
Thu Oct 22 05:54:16 EDT 2015

Hi Hang,

> L-S and FFT should get a similar result  if we 'treat' the data correctly?
In principle yes.

> Using the same regularly sampled data, I meet artifacts generated by some
> method, but this kind of artifact does not necessarily appear in some other
> method.
Artifacts might be given by a number of different effects. What kinds of
artifacts are you talking about? Harmonics? Peaks at regular frequencies?
Do you have gaps in your time series?

Can you provide a minimum working example with a few lines of the code used
to calculate the spectra and a sample data file? You can copy and paste
some code from this iPython notebook to simulate noisy pulsar data if you
want (Section Finding pulsars: the buried clock):


> Hang
> On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 3:20 PM, Matteo <matteo at matteobachetti.it> wrote:
>> Hi Hang,
>> that plot does not measure significance but just the value of the FFT. In
>> the real world, significance depends also on the uncertainties of the time
>> series. For example, for event data (and Poisson-distributed light curves)
>> people often calculate the power density spectrum (|FFT|^2) and normalize
>> it by 2 / <number of photons>. Then, significances are calculated based on
>> the chi^2 statistics (Leahy et al. '83).
>> For the comparison between L-S and fft, it's difficult to answer without
>> at least some example data. Do you take the square modulus of the FFT? Do
>> you use an irregular sampling? Do you have gaps in data? How do you
>> normalize the periodograms?  Etc.
>> e.g.
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20658318/my-power-spectra-are-believable-a-comparison-between-lomb-scargle-and-fft-scip
>> Cheers,
>> Matteo
>> PS: for X-ray timing analysis, you can take a look at
>> http://maltpynt.readthedocs.org
>> On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 6:21 AM, gonghang.naoc <ghang.naoc at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Does anyone use scipy.fftpack to do power spectrum for time series?
>>> Its doc file is here:
>>> http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.14.0/reference/tutorial/fftpack.html
>>> What does the y axis in figure 1 and figure 2 mean? In Figure 1, it
>>> seems y axis does not  stand for the sifnificane at least.
>>> Besides FFT, I use Lomb-Scargle to do timing analysis, and find there is
>>> a big difference between the significance given by L-S and fft. Significant
>>> peaks which appear in L-S do not necessarily appear in FFT.
>>> Which method should I believe then?
>>> Thank you.
>>> regards
>>> Hang
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>> Matteo Bachetti
>> www.matteobachetti.it
>> "I would love to change the world,
>> but they won't give me the source code"
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Matteo Bachetti


"I would love to change the world,
but they won't give me the source code"
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