[AstroPy] Best practices for Python sample code in journal articles

Singer, Leo P. (GSFC-661.0)[UNIVERSITIES SPACE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION] leo.p.singer at nasa.gov
Thu Apr 28 10:00:42 EDT 2016


I am working on an ApJ submission that I would like to pair with a supplement paper that contains (among other things) some Astropy-based sample/tutorial Python code to acquaint the reader with an accompanying data release. Are there any established best practices for including Python in journal articles? Should code and output be presented docstring-style or should it look like an IPython session? Does anyone have nice examples of astronomy papers that include supplemental IPython notebooks?

If anyone is interested, this is the article and data release:


Dr. Leo P. Singer
NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow
Goddard Space Flight Center
8800 Greenbelt Rd., B34, Room S239
Greenbelt, MD 20771

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