[AstroPy] astropy.io

Diego Farias dnfarias at uc.cl
Thu Jan 11 17:39:41 EST 2018

Hi Pythoners,

I have posted this as an issue on github also, but I think it could be
forgotten because it is a reply to another open issue.

While using astropy.io on images with several HIERARCH cards (e.g.,
HIERARCH ESO INS RETA2 ROT = 0.0), which are Not-STANDARD FITS format, I
encounter with a possible bug: if I do for example

hdulist = fits.open(IMAGE,mode='update')
hdulist[0].header.set('DISPAXIS', '1')
hdulist.close(output_verify = 'ignore')

It should prevent to print any warning message, but instead I get warning
and ALSO fixes:

WARNING: VerifyWarning: Verification reported errors:
WARNING: VerifyWarning: Card 'ESO INS IMAGE DISTOR1' is not FITS standard
(invalid value string: '7.771690e-06 / distortion coefficient').  Fixed
'ESO INS IMAGE DISTOR1' card to meet the FITS standard.
WARNING: VerifyWarning: Note: astropy.io.fits uses zero-based indexing.

etc. The same strange behavior happened to someone else, so I think it
could be a bug. I'm trying to trace where this happens, and the 'ignore'
option it is used correctly once to verify in hdulist.py
(astropy/io/fits/hdu) at

def flush (self, output_verify='fix', verbose=False):

( def close uses flush so ..) and this is good, it does not print a thing.
The bug appears in the last line of the same method
        elif self._file.mode == 'update':

in self._flush_update(). If I search in this method, I could trace the
'bug' to

    def _flush_update(self):
        """Implements flushing changes to a file in update mode."""

        for hdu in self:
             hdu._prewriteto(checksum=hdu._output_checksum, inplace=True)

the hdu._prewriteto line. In this method, the warning appears after the

    def _prewriteto(self, checksum=False, inplace=False):
        if self._scale_back:
        if not inplace and self._data_needs_rescale:
            # Go ahead and load the scaled image data and update the header
            # with the correct post-rescaling headers
            _ = self.data

        return super(_ImageBaseHDU, self)._prewriteto(checksum, inplace)

but my python knowledge is too short to fix this by myself (yet). So if you
have any idea please share.

Sorry for the long message and thanks in advance,

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