[AstroPy] Dependence on field order in astroquery

julien.montillaud at univ-fcomte.fr julien.montillaud at univ-fcomte.fr
Wed Jul 1 11:16:14 EDT 2020


I am using astroquery to query Gaia data as follows: 

from astroquery.vizier import Vizier 
import astropy.coordinates as coord 
import astropy.units as u 

v1 = Vizier(columns=['phot_g_mean_mag', 'parallax', 'a_g_val', 'phot_bp_mean_mag', 'phot_rp_mean_mag']) 
v1.ROW_LIMIT = -1 

c_l, c_b = 298.1, -0.1 
query_angle = 0.25 
raw_los2 = v1.query_region(coord.SkyCoord(l=c_l, b=c_b, unit=(u.deg, u.deg), frame="galactic"), radius=query_angle*u.deg, catalog="I/345/gaia2") 

With this code, I get: 
> TableList with 1 tables: 
> '0:I/345/gaia2' with 5 column(s) and 69866 row(s) 

But if I invert the bp and rp bands in the "v1 = ..." line, I get this: 
> Empty TableList 

Of course I could just use the order that works, but it depends on the line of sight, so in a loop, sometimes it works, sometimes it does not, and I did not figure out the underlying logic. 

Am I doing something wrong or is there something weird here? 

Thanks ! 
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