[AstroPy] Governance/Election Working Group

Stuart Mumford stuart at cadair.com
Mon Apr 19 05:02:19 EDT 2021

Hello all,
The Astropy Governance/Election Working Group had it’s first meeting last week and is tasked with following the procedures outlined in APE 0 and getting the new Astropy project governance to a steady state as described in the APE. The tasks we aim to accomplish are:
Identify, according to the rules in APE 0, the initial group of voting members.
Comfirm will all the initial members that they wish to become a voting member.

Open nominations for and then hold an election for new voting members.

Hold the first election for the Coordination Committee under the rules in APE 0.

Having reviewed the timelines set out in APE 0, and taking into account the availability of the volunteer working group members, we are aiming to have:

identified and confirmed the initial voting members by the end of May,
held the first elections for new voting members by the mid July, and

have elected the new CoCo by the start of September.

It should be stressed, that this is the timeline we are aiming for and it may shift.

The notes of the working group are public and can be seen here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kCUlHs7xdlP4cT7wkvJ1V28P6pyFgkPWJ1CCfiIKfJM/edit?usp=sharing
Stuart Mumford on behalf of the Governance/Election Working Group

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