[Async-sig] APIs for high-bandwidth large I/O?

David Beazley dave at dabeaz.com
Fri Oct 20 15:31:22 EDT 2017

I adapted this benchmark to Curio using streams and Curio's support for readinto().  Code is at https://gist.github.com/dabeaz/999dc7d08ddd2c0dea790de67948e756
Support for readinto() is somewhat recent in Curio so for testing, you will need the latest version from Github (https://github.com/dabeaz/curio).  However, here are the results I got on my machine:

- vanilla asyncio archieves 145 MB/s
- asyncio + uvloop achieves 340 MB/s
- Curio achieves 550 MB/s

Asyncio tests were run using:  https://gist.github.com/pitrou/719e73c1df51e817d618186833a6e2cc


> On Oct 18, 2017, at 1:04 PM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am currently looking into ways to optimize large data transfers for a
> distributed computing framework
> (https://github.com/dask/distributed/).  We are using Tornado but the
> question is more general, as it turns out that certain kinds of API are
> an impediment to such optimizations.
> To put things short, there are a couple benchmarks discussed here:
> https://github.com/tornadoweb/tornado/issues/2147#issuecomment-337187960
> - for Tornado, this benchmark:
> https://gist.github.com/pitrou/0f772867008d861c4aa2d2d7b846bbf0
> - for asyncio, this benchmark:
> https://gist.github.com/pitrou/719e73c1df51e817d618186833a6e2cc
> Both implement a trivial form of framing using the "preferred" APIs of
> each framework (IOStream for Tornado, Protocol for asyncio), and then
> benchmark it over 100 MB frames using a simple echo client/server.
> The results (on Python 3.6) are interesting:
> - vanilla asyncio achieves 350 MB/s
> - vanilla Tornado achieves 400 MB/s
> - asyncio + uvloop achieves 600 MB/s
> - an optimized Tornado IOStream with a more sophisticated buffering
>  logic (https://github.com/tornadoweb/tornado/pull/2166)
>  achieves 700 MB/s
> The latter result is especially interesting.  uvloop uses hand-crafted
> Cython code + the C libuv library, still, a pure Python version of
> Tornado does better thanks to an improved buffering logic in the
> streaming layer.
> Even the Tornado result is not ideal.  When profiling, we see that
> 50% of the runtime is actual IO calls (socket.send and socket.recv),
> but the rest is still overhead.  Especially, buffering on the read side
> still has costly memory copies (b''.join calls take 22% of the time!).
> For a framed layer, you shouldn't need so many copies.  Once you've
> read the frame length, you can allocate the frame upfront and read into
> it.  It is at odds, however, with the API exposed by asyncio's Protocol:
> data_received() gives you a new bytes object as soon as data arrives.
> It's already too late: a spurious memory copy will have to occur.
> Tornado's IOStream is less constrained, but it supports too many read
> schemes (including several types of callbacks).  So I crafted a limited
> version of IOStream (*) that supports little functionality, but is able
> to use socket.recv_into() when asked for a given number of bytes.  When
> benchmarked, this version achieves 950 MB/s. This is still without C
> code!
> (*) see
> https://github.com/tornadoweb/tornado/compare/master...pitrou:stream_readinto?expand=1
> When profiling that limited version of IOStream, we see that 68% of the
> runtime is actual IO calls (socket.send and socket.recv_into).
> Still, 21% of the total runtime is spent allocating a 100 MB buffer for
> each frame!  That's 70% of the non-IO overhead!  Whether or not there
> are smart ways to reuse that writable buffer depends on how the
> application intends to use data: does it throw it away before the next
> read or not?  It doesn't sound easily doable in the general case.
> So I'm wondering which kind of APIs async libraries could expose to
> make those use cases faster.  I know curio and trio have socket objects
> which would probably fit the bill.  I don't know if there are
> higher-level concepts that may be as adequate for achieving the highest
> performance.
> Also, since asyncio is the de facto standard now, I wonder if asyncio
> might grow such a new API.  That may be troublesome: asyncio already
> has Protocols and Streams, and people often complain about its
> extensive API surface that's difficult for beginners :-)
> Addendum: asyncio streams
> -------------------------
> I didn't think asyncio streams would be a good solution, but I still
> wrote a benchmark variant for them out of curiosity, and it turns out I
> was right.  The results:
> - vanilla asyncio streams achieve 300 MB/s
> - asyncio + uvloop streams achieve 550 MB/s
> The benchmark script is at
> https://gist.github.com/pitrou/202221ca9c9c74c0b48373ac89e15fd7
> Regards
> Antoine.
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