[BangPypers] Redirection of standard output to a variable

KartheeK kartheekpn at yahoo.co.in
Mon May 12 08:55:12 CEST 2008

Hi Rishabh,

Unfortunately the remote servers that house these config files do not have them on either www or ftp, my only mode of access is scp
This was a good learning for me , i did not know that something like urllib existed..

Thanks for the inputs


Rishabh Manocha <rmanocha at gmail.com> wrote: Did you take a look at using urllib[1] or urllib2[2]?? You can use
them to download your file, save it and process any meta (header) info

[1] - http://docs.python.org/lib/module-urllib.html
[2] - http://docs.python.org/lib/module-urllib2.html



On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 11:23 AM, KartheeK  wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to find a way from which I could redirect standard output to a
> variable.
> The server I am using runs, Python 2.2.1 [subprocess module is not there,
> and my ops team denies for an upgrade]
> I am writing a script that downloads a configuration file from remote
> servers[200+], I want to process the standard output so that I can confirm
> if the download did happen completely/correctly.
> Please pass on any hints..
> Thanks,
> KartheeK
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