[BangPypers] Is it possible to run python software in WinxP?

Senthil Kumaran orsenthil at gmail.com
Wed Dec 23 17:11:26 CET 2009

Hello Mr. Sriranga,

On Wed, Dec 23, 2009,  74yrs old wrote:
> Hello Python experts,

Not really experts here, but learners like you perhaps. :)

> guidance- step by step-   how to run the said program in WinXP also. The
> said program viz "tesseractindic-trainer-gui-0.1.3 tar.gz"(113 KB) is
> available
> for download  at website viz  http://code.google.com/p/tesseractindic/. ( On

If I understand your requirement correctly, you are trying to install
this tesseractindict trainer software on Windows XP.

And for that to install you might need the pre-requisite software
which is tesseract-ocr.

I looked at tesseract-ocr package for Windows Installer Instructions
and looks like there is not any.

There are two methods which are available.
1. Download the VC++ 2008 Standard Edition and Open the vcproj file
and compile it.  (More detailed instructions can be given or be found
in the Readme)

2. Or install cygwin (www.cygwin.com) and follow the straight forward
3 step installation instructions (./configure; make; sudo make
install) on cygwin shell. Installing cygwin would be an exercise in
itself and you might find an online tutorial or video tutorial too.

After you have installed the tesseract-ocr, you may download the
.tar.gz file of tesseractindic trainer. 

If you followed Step 1. above,then you would only need Python 2.6 and
PyGTK (Windows Installer for both the software are available and
follow the straight forward Click Next methods) and you can just click
on the Python Trainer file to get the software running for you.


If you followed Cygwin method of installation, you will need to
install Python 2.6 and PyGTK in Cygwin. Based on my experiences, I
find it troublesome and more buggy. So, I would advice you against
Cygwin method, especially if you are a beginner.

Okay, coming to the Windows method itself, it seems that tesseract-ocr
has source code for Windows, but the Training GUI wrapper and
tesseractindic has no indications of Windows, so I am not really sure
if it would work in windows at all, and your experiments would be any
fruitful, if the end result is what you care about. If it is for
learning, it would be great to try it and see the Cygwin way. 

Also it would be a good idea to ask in the tesseractindic mailling
list, or if the AUTHOR Debayin, is in this list, he might jump in.

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