[BangPypers] IndentationError: expected an indented block

Parthan SR parth.technofreak at gmail.com
Wed Mar 11 15:29:18 CET 2009

Sandeep HS wrote:
> �Every time i execute that python program , I am getting error as
> �File "ind.py", line 280
> �dom = parseString(xmldata)
Because the above said statement in line number 280 falls within a 
function block and hence need to be indented. Can you please set your 
editor to indent by 4 spaces, a single space is too small that am not 
able to find whether it is indented or not with my normal eyes.

The right way (line 278-280),

class CIMIndication:

    def __init__(self, xmldata):

        dom = parseString(xmldata)

With Regards,
Parthan SR "technofreak"

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