[BangPypers] [ANN][X-Post] SciPy India conference in Dec. 2009

Kenneth Gonsalves lawgon at au-kbc.org
Wed Oct 7 12:41:58 CEST 2009

On Wednesday 07 Oct 2009 4:00:59 pm Anand Chitipothu wrote:
> > I'm sure many people on this list have rolled their own blogs, etc
> > perhaps combining some existing apps for the purpose (My blog
> > http://www.rajeevsebastian.com uses lifeflow with some custom mods and
> > a custom skin).
> Possible. But writing a software requires time and you need to maintain it.

how much time? I wrote and deployed the ilugc.org.in site in two hours and 
deployed it in 10 minutes and I can happily sleep at night because I know 
there will be no need for security patches and maintainence. The biggest job 
is the weekly svn up in the django source.
Kenneth Gonsalves
Senior Project Officer

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