[BangPypers] Python/Django issue

Noufal Ibrahim noufal at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 10:38:25 CET 2010

On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 1:06 PM, Hassan Baig
<hassan.baig at alumni.duke.edu> wrote:
> Dear Bangpypers,
> I hope you're all doing great. I was wondering if you could help out in a
> basic query. I'm a Facebook developer and I'm facing the following problem:
> I have a flash file which calls up a url say http://test.com/createXML/ which
> is caught and used up by a python/django code and it creates and redirects
> to an XML. which is loaded by flash, to get values from the database.
> The setup works fine when outside facebook, but as soon as I put the setup
> in facebook, it stops loading the XML completely.
> Any clues?

Shot in the dark but doesn't flash require some crossdomain.xml file
to allow/disallow which domains you can fetch URLs from? Perhaps a
misconfiguration there?

Also, I didn't quite understand your setup. What do you mean by
'caught and used up' by a django app.?


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