[BangPypers] July meetup

kunalkant sen kunalkantsen at gmail.com
Tue Jul 27 19:26:53 CEST 2010


Microsoft also provide space for community meet up. PHP meet up happen often
their. Do let me know if you guys need in touch with the concern person. He
told me that he would be happy to provide space for community meet up. You
can take this as alternate to other venue. The address is Microsoft, ground
floor, signature building, EGL, Domlur.

They have all setup ready and 50-60 people easily accommodate. I think wifi
needs permission, rest everything is available for use.

Kunal Kant Sen

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 10:32 PM, Santosh Rajan <santrajan at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have volunteered to help out in setting up this next meetup. This is my
> first time here, and my first effort. The proposed date and time is
> 31/07/2010 1600hrs.
> Proposed venue is Thoughtworks, Diamond district.
> They have not yet confirmed with me regarding this, However I am in touch
> with Sriram at ThoughtWorks and I am hopeful that it will be confirmed.
> In the mean while please let me know if this okay will all of you.
> And please help me make my first time effort successful. :)
> Thanks All
> Santosh
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