[BangPypers] scanf replacement in python

kracekumar ramaraju kracethekingmaker at gmail.com
Sun Nov 6 07:29:18 CET 2011


   The question might  be simple, but it has a trick.
*c code*
*scanf("%d, %d", &m,&n)*

The code can accept two nos separated by a space.

*Question*: What is the equivalent in python?

*Answer 1:*
*a, b = int(raw_input('no 1: ')), int(raw_input('no 2: '))*

*Shortcoming*: I need press return to get o/p of second no.

*Answer 2:*
a = raw_input("no; ")
#Enter two nos separated by space
a = a.split()

*Shortcoming*: it involves split function.

Is there any better way to approach the same problem.

"Talk is cheap, show me the code" - Linus Torvalds
Winning Regards

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