[BangPypers] ProgressBar - Python and Powershell

Nikunj.Badjatya at emc.com Nikunj.Badjatya at emc.com
Thu Nov 17 11:50:23 CET 2011

Hi All,

I am using Python 2.7, windows Env.
I have an Installer written in Python(45%) and Powershell(55%) which is used to install Virtual Machines at specific locations. It is single threaded.
I am trying to implement a ProgressBar  for this installer. So that the user will come to know the progress of the installation.
I am using pypi progressbar module.
The top script is in python which inturns calls powershell scripts using subprocess.call() and proceeds with the installation.

I am taking a shared file between python and powershell, so that diff functions can update their %age completion level in to the file. Ex. Func1() updates it to 5%,  func2() will add its own 5% to it.. and so on.
At the start of the (main.py) script I am creating a thread whose sole purpose would be to keep "READ" a temp file for a new entry in it.
Based on this entry I can have my thread update the progressbar on the console.

My questions are:

1.       Can I have a better shared mechanism between python and powershell.?  As I am using a file here. Reading + writing in python and writing only in powershell.  !

2.       Does this thread mechanism work.? I am yet to implement and test it.! :P What can be the possible shortfalls.?


Bangalore - India

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