[BangPypers] About pypy and bangpypers

Noufal Ibrahim noufal at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 16:54:48 CEST 2011

Sriram Narayanan <sriramnrn at gmail.com> writes:

> All:
> Some weeks ago, there was some discussion of a meetup to figure out
> what we could do with pypy. Have any list members conducted any
> investigations on that ?
> I'm asking because I'm interested. I'd like to see how I can package
> pypy for Belenix someday, and I want to pair with various python
> programmers and understand how people think about a platform when
> considering it for use.


I was hoping to resurrect this after PyCon India this weekend. I'm eager
to get it going. 


The first condition of immortality is death. -Stanislaw Lec

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