[BangPypers] Pyladies Bangalore

Annapoornima Koppad a.koppad at gmail.com
Mon Aug 26 18:35:58 CEST 2013

+1 to svaksha's answer!

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 10:03 PM, svaksha <svaksha at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 7:13 AM, Devi <asldevi at gmail.com> wrote:
> > None of the meetups, but attended most of Indian editions of PyCon. Gave
> a
> > tutorial last year at PyCon India.
> Nice to meet you (virtually) Devi.
> > What do you mean by outreach activities?
> The PSF has various committees[0] and one of those is the outreach and
> education committee, which funds activities like sprints and
> workshops. The Pandas workshop I organised last year was funded by the
> Sprints committee as was Asheesh's (who helped me a lot) travel.
> They have a specific application format and if Pyladies-BLR would like
> to host sprints, workshops, bug-squashing sessions, documentation,
> etc... for core Python libs, I would love to help you draft an
> application for the local event.
> [0] http://www.python.org/psf/committees/
> [1] http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/outreach-and-education
> > AFAIK, there're very few active women on this list.
> >
> > @Annapoornima
> > Being an active user of Python, I'm curious to know what are the goals of
> > PyLadies chapter.
> Although this is not addressed to me, I'll take the liberty of
> answering it. From, http://www.pyladies.com/,
> We are an international mentorship group with a focus on helping more
> women become active participants and leaders in the Python open-source
> community. Our mission is to promote, educate and advance a diverse
> Python community through outreach, education, conferences, events and
> social gatherings.
> PyLadies also aims to provide a friendly support network for women and
> a bridge to the larger Python world. Anyone with an interest in Python
> is encouraged to participate!
> </quote>
> There is an irc channel #pyladies on freenode, which averages between
> 60-70 people on any given day. Besides, Pyladies is pretty active in
> providing FA to women who wish to attend/speak at Pycon. From this
> year on, speakers can apply for FA directly on the pycon website.
> Also, this year, they have started workshops on helping women submit
> more proposals:
> http://www.pyladies.com/blog/getting-more-women-to-submit-talk-proposals/
> svaksha ॥ स्वक्ष
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