[BangPypers] SQLAlchemy and 'non-trivial' default values for a column

Dhruv Baldawa dhruvbaldawa at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 08:02:01 CET 2013

Then I guess you are doing it the wrong way. You should only have a single
session object (unless working with multiple databases simultaneously). The
object should be binded with whatever connection is required.

    engine = create_engine(...)
    engine = create_engine(...)

session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)

then import session from whichever module you have added the above code. I
don't know how you are doing the model-based queries, if you have someother
way of querying models you can follow that, the concept and method still
remains the same.

Configurations can be controlled by an optional command-line argument or
environment variable or a flag, its upto you. I run 4 different
configurations for my app using command-line arguments.

Dhruv Baldawa

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Sriram Karra <karra.etc at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 11:38 AM, Dhruv Baldawa <dhruvbaldawa at gmail.com
> >wrote:
> > try session.query(Consultation).filter_by(), sorry I am actually used to
> > using the above specified syntax because I usually use Flask-SQLAlchemy.
> Oh, well. the session object is not available inside Consultation class.
> And as I mentioned I have two session objects of which one is live at any
> given time...
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