[BangPypers] help to understand this code..

T S KAMATH tsk.kamath at gmail.com
Mon Feb 25 15:11:08 CET 2013


I have no cue on php and its usage.. i am stuck.. I just wanted to list all the files and dir of the folder on webpage and unfortunately the web-server is set up for php.. 



//-- Directory Navigation with SCANDIR
//-- optional placemenet
$exclude_list = array(".", "..", "example.txt");
if (isset($_GET["dir"])) {
  $dir_path = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/".$_GET["dir"];
else {
  $dir_path = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/";
//-- until here
function dir_nav() {
  global $exclude_list, $dir_path;
  $directories = array_diff(scandir($dir_path), $exclude_list);
  echo "<ul style='list-style:none;padding:0'>";
  foreach($directories as $entry) {
    if(is_dir($dir_path.$entry)) {
      echo "<li style='margin-left:1em;'>[`] <a href='?dir=".$_GET["dir"].$entry."/"."'>".$entry."</a></li>";
  echo "</ul>";
  //-- separator
  echo "<ul style='list-style:none;padding:0'>";
  foreach($directories as $entry) {
    if(is_file($dir_path.$entry)) {
      echo "<li style='margin-left:1em;'>[ ] <a href='?file=".$_GET["dir"].$entry."'>".$entry."</a></li>";
  echo "</ul>";
//-- optional placement
if (isset($_GET["file"])) {
  echo "<div style='margin:1em;border:1px solid Silver;'>";
  echo "</div>";
//-- until here
//-- Because I love php.net


can i get someone to show me some direction.. 

Srikanth Kamath

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