[BangPypers] Python video lectures by Indian faculty (was Re: regarding python)

Puneeth Chaganti punchagan at gmail.com
Tue Jun 18 16:48:45 CEST 2013

Hi Siva,

On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 7:47 PM, Siva Ranganath <workforsiva at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am siva  working as an software engineer with 4 years of open systems
> exp. i am looking to learn python as  beginner i am looking for good video
> session it better if i get any lecture by indian faculty for proper
> understanding.

There are recorded videos [1] of a couple of days of tutorials by
Prabhu and Asokan (done as a part of the FOSSEE project in
IIT-Bombay).  The later half of the tutorial focuses on Python for
Scientific programming.

There are also spoken tutorials[2], which repackage the same content
as these lectures, but presented  using a different instruction design

[1] - http://fossee.in/videos
[2] - http://fossee.in/stvideos


Disclaimer: I worked with the FOSSEE project for a couple of years.

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