[BangPypers] https://github.com/pythonhacker/ladies.py

Anand B Pillai anandpillai at letterboxes.org
Sat Sep 7 20:56:28 CEST 2013

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On Saturday 07 September 2013 10:26 PM, Annapoornima Koppad wrote:
> More, I had a good mind to email this particular detail to every
> women mailing list that I am aware of. But then, it would portray
> all Bangalore men in bad light. Which is not my intention. More
> over, I am in touch with the PSF board itself, I had a good mind to
> send your repository link to the PSF board itself.

Well, no need of it.

> @Anand Pillai, I am aware that you are on this list.
Yes - from day one. I started it.

> There was not one single email from you asking me about the 
> intentions of Pyladies Bangalore. You give me more reasons to never
> learn from guys like you. Either you explain here on public and
> tell everyone what was the intentions behind this, whom exactly
> where you targeting, or apologize for your behavior, irrespective
> of your intentions,I will let it go. Else its your choice, you 
> choose.

Yes I know. I could have sent an email asking about my doubts to
PyLadies Bangalore but I have this wicked sense of doing things
the round about way - in a tongue-in-cheek manner. Hence I set up the
"project" to bring some attention to what I thought were points of
interest, with some dollops of well meaning humor.

Sorry if it offended you. The intention was nothing like that.
I have all respect for your initiative and wish it well.

> I dont think this counts as trolling. Please read thoroughly
> before emailing.

Not at all. Now that I have taken the "project" down, hope it is
all well with you.

I saw this thread very late - just before going to sleep and didn't
want anyone else to further loose sleep over it - hence the explanation.
If I had seen it earlier in the afternoon, I would have sent it
much earlier.

Wish you the very best.

- -- 

- --Anand

Software Architect/Consultant
anandpillai at letterboxes.org

Please note my updated email address <anandpillai at letterboxes.org>.
Kindly update your address books.

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