[BangPypers] Python "Wat"s

Jeffrey Jose jeffjosejeff at gmail.com
Tue Sep 10 08:10:12 CEST 2013

On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 11:10 AM, Bibhas <me at bibhas.in> wrote:

> Only the scripts that have been imported somewhere. Right?

Not necessarily -

>>> import py_compile
>>> py_compile.compile

    Byte-compile one Python source file to Python bytecode.


    file:    source filename
    cfile:   target filename; defaults to source with 'c' or 'o' appended
             ('c' normally, 'o' in optimizing mode, giving .pyc or .pyo)
    dfile:   purported filename; defaults to source (this is the filename
             that will show up in error messages)
    doraise: flag indicating whether or not an exception should be
             raised when a compile error is found. If an exception
             occurs and this flag is set to False, a string
             indicating the nature of the exception will be printed,
             and the function will return to the caller. If an
             exception occurs and this flag is set to True, a
             PyCompileError exception will be raised.

    Note that it isn't necessary to byte-compile Python modules for
    execution efficiency -- Python itself byte-compiles a module when
    it is loaded, and if it can, writes out the bytecode to the
    corresponding .pyc (or .pyo) file.

    However, if a Python installation is shared between users, it is a
    good idea to byte-compile all modules upon installation, since
    other users may not be able to write in the source directories,
    and thus they won't be able to write the .pyc/.pyo file, and then
    they would be byte-compiling every module each time it is loaded.
    This can slow down program start-up considerably.

    See compileall.py for a script/module that uses this module to
    byte-compile all installed files (or all files in selected

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