[BangPypers] Why PyLadies

sankarshan foss.mailinglists at gmail.com
Tue Sep 10 11:10:14 CEST 2013

On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 11:28 PM, Mandar Vaze / मंदार वझे
<mandarvaze at gmail.com> wrote:
>> before, and I would be interested in your response:
>>    "What purpose is served by creating a women's group, instead of
>> joining the existing group thus making it more diverse?"
>>     In other words, what purpose is served by intentional segregation?
> Was this ever answered ?

Is it very relevant and material to the Bangalore Python Users Group
that this question be answered in excruciating detail? If an
individual has an affiliation to the idea around which
<http://www.pyladies.com/> is derived you'd be already aware of the
need. It is also possible that individuals feel strongly that this
particular approach might not be a viable one. Either way, there is no
reason, within the limits of what I can perceive, that the group
proposing to form a PyLadies initiative require to justify their
existence. The Python space is large enough to include everyone and,
welcoming enough to let all approaches do a very good job of
attempting to achieve whatever they want to achieve.

sankarshan mukhopadhyay

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