[BangPypers] Python certifications in India

Bibhas Ch Debnath me at bibhas.in
Mon Dec 22 08:36:23 CET 2014

Is there anyone or any company here that actually values a certificate for
Python? In my experience, certification courses mean nothing, at least for
Python developers. None of the people I know or have worked with, cares
about a certificate.
I'd love to meet someone who thinks otherwise.

On Dec 22, 2014 12:39 PM, "Abhijit Bangera" <abhijit.bangera at hotmail.com>

> Hi,
> Is there any international certification for Python like we have ISTQB for
> testing, Oracle certifications for JAVA, etc.
> Regards,
> Abhijit Bangera
> www.geektech.in
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