[BangPypers] Converting prettytable to xml?

Sachin Joshi djisthegreat at gmail.com
Mon Jul 4 13:06:47 EDT 2016

Hi Ram,

Right now we have the report being published as a HTML page where it
contains a table of all test cases and few attributes.
New requirement is for making it to present as XML. We have prettytable
used for generating the HTML.

So any way I can use same prettytable data which is used for HTML report
inturn can be used for XML?

On 04-Jul-2016 10:02 PM, "Ramanathan Muthaiah" <rus.cahimb at gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Sachin,

On Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 6:53 PM Sachin Joshi <djisthegreat at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Friends,
> Is there a way or any library I can use to convert pretty table to xml?

Could you pls share more background info and highlight what's the problem
you are trying to solve here ?

Have you tried any test code or read relevant documentation ? Can you pls
share the code snippet ?

> And direction for the solution is appreciated.

Maybe, if you can post more details, pointers to possible solution can be

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