[BangPypers] To connect to a remote DB2(AS400) over Python, in any case do we have to pay to IBM for the driver?

Gugu Rama gulsumramazanoglu at gmail.com
Fri Jun 23 03:56:42 EDT 2017

Hi everybody,

I am new here and have a question, if you can help I will be really

To connect to a DB2 of a remote AS400 over any one of the Python DB API
interfaces (ibm_db, pyodbc, pyDB2 or any other one) from Python on
Windows10, do we in any case have to use IBMs proprietary ODBC driver
(which demands at the last point of connection a licence key which has a
good price)?  In other words, is there any non-proprietary way of
connecting to a remote iseries? If not, there is no point in discussing or
investing in iseries communication, my decision will be to put AS400 as a
whole in garbage and move on with other RDBMSs.

Thank you in advance..


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