[BangPypers] [Bangpypers][Commercial][Job] We are hiring a Software Engineer, Data Scientist at AdStock

Rajni hotmail rajnib at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 21 01:05:25 EDT 2017

We are looking for a software engineer with experience in design and implementation of data science algorithms and programs in our product development division.

Your experience should include:

-        Web frameworks (Flask or Django)

-        Proficient in Python and data science libraries such as NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, Seaborn and interactive plotting techniques, SciKit-Learn, PySpark and NLP algorithms and more.

-        Big data integration (Spark with Python/ other)

-        JSON integration

-        A strong passion for learning and understanding of new technical trends.

Please email us (emails listed below) your questions or send us your resumes if you would like to apply.


Rajni Bhandary

rajnib at hotmail.com

vamshi at adstockglobal.com

Tel: 9964789119

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