[BangPypers] [Meetup] RSVP for Sep's meetup is open

Abhiram R abhi.darkness at gmail.com
Mon Sep 24 01:14:47 EDT 2018


RSVP for the meetup for the month of September is now open.

The schedule is as follows (the two named talks below are confirmed).

10.30 - Data classes using Python 3.7 - [Sasidhar Donaparthi, Fidelity

11.15 - 12 Testing in Python (Title subject to minor change) - [Sanket
Saurav, DoSelect]

11.45 - 12 Tea Break

12 - 12.45 - TBD [Will be updated shortly]

*You can RSVP on the meetup page [0].*
Please contact me (abhi.darkness at gmail.com) and Kumar Anirudha (
anirudhastark at yahoo.com) in case of any queries.
Date : Sep 29,2018 (this Saturday)
Location on Google Map: Synup, Koramangala - https://goo.gl/maps/KhpJGAfgTyj

The event is free of cost.

[0]:  <goog_371079768>*https://www.meetup.com/BangPypers/events/flmkdqyxmbtb/

Abhiram R

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