[BangPypers] PyLadies Bangalore: Know A Speaker? Tell Us!

P Gadige pujanitw at gmail.com
Thu Aug 29 04:36:53 EDT 2019

Hello folks!

I help co-organise *PyLadies Bangalore*, an international mentorship group
with a focus on helping more women become active participants and leaders
in the Python open-source community. We also provide a friendly support
network and are a bridge to the larger Python world. You may find us on
Meetup <https://www.meetup.com/PyLadies-Bangalore-Chapter/>, Twitter
<https://twitter.com/pyladiesblr>, LinkedIn

PyLadies Bangalore is always looking out for women speakers
(newbies+experienced) who would want to share their knowledge with the
community. We'd be happy if you could encourage and nominate a speaker to
present a talk at the upcoming/future event(s).

Topics include, but are not limited to the following:

   - Artificial Intelligence
   - Web frameworks in 2019
   - Tools in DevOps, SRE, Sysadmin written in Python
   - How to design software for safety and reliability
   - Ethics of big data and software development
   - Python standard tools

and pretty much anything else that interests the speaker. Please share our Call
for Proposal form
 for submitting a brief talk proposal.

Thank you,
Pooja Gadige
(volunteer at PyLadies Bangalore)

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