[BangPypers] [Bangpypers] The 100th Bangpypers Event is here :) Mark your calendars! - Feb 22, 2020

Anand Chitipothu anandology at gmail.com
Fri Jan 31 00:17:14 EST 2020

On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 9:47 PM Abhiram R <abhi.darkness at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> It's been a long time since Bangpypers was created all those years ago by
> Anand
> B Pillai <https://twitter.com/skeptichacker> and team and the first
> Bangpypers meetup was reportedly on Jan 22 2005
> <https://swaroopch.com/2005/01/22/first-bangalore-python-meetup/>, a time
> when even I was in school and had no clue all this was going on. Fast
> forward 15 years and 1 month and we, the current organizing team are
> honored to be conducting the 100 Bangpypers Meetup - "BangpyC" as we've
> decided to call it. I'll let you guess the reasons behind the name ;) .
> Anyway, this momentum and this number would have been impossible to gain
> without an enthusiastic and committed community such as you all and we'd
> like to wholeheartedly thank you for your participation and contributions
> thus far - either as speakers, hosts, past-organizers or attendees.


While I was not there for the first meeting of Bangpypers, I guess I was
there since the very next one. OMG, that was 15 years ago!!

I would love to talk to about something Pythonic if there is a open slot.
@Abhiram please let me know if you can accommodate it.


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