[BangPypers] FlaskCon Is Announced!
Abhiram R
abhi.darkness at gmail.com
Fri May 1 16:34:57 EDT 2020
To all,
Accidental mailing list add. No action on community's part required :)
But FlaskCon is coming! 😊 Keep your eyes peeled!
On Sat, May 2, 2020, 1:48 AM Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer <arj.python at gmail.com>
> Kind Regards,
> Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer
> compileralchemy.com <https://www.compileralchemy.com> | github
> <https://github.com/Abdur-rahmaanJ/>
> Mauritius
> On Fri, May 1, 2020 at 11:49 PM Lais Carvalho <lais.carvalho at python.ie>
> wrote:
>> Hey there guys,
>> I love the document put together. Thanks for that @Abdur-Rahmaan
>> Janhangeer <arj.python at gmail.com> .
>> Regarding the website, I'm not sure what the plan really will be but this
>> is a good Hugo template for conferences.
>> <https://github.com/matrixise/pycon-limerick-2020> We are working on
>> another online conference right now and if anyone prefers Jenkins, this is
>> a cool template <https://github.com/gdg-x/zeppelin>as well. In case the
>> latest is chosen, we just need to make sure to add FlaskCon to the list on
>> their GitHub page.
> To the attn. of @BangPypers
>> The Zoom account also covers live stream on Youtube, Facebook, Twitch and
>> any other channel you would like to broadcast to so everyone can watch the
>> talks. For video editing, I heard Natron
>> <https://natrongithub.github.io/> is good (and OpenSource) but haven't
>> used it myself so can't testify it.
> Seems a very nice option, since PythonIreland has been on the
> video topic since the beginning, you can finalise it on Zoom
> [x] livestreaming changed to Zoom
> I will talk to PyLadies and see how is their availability at the moment. A
>> count of volunteers would also be nice in case we want to do breakout rooms
>> and moderators. Let me know when you talk to the other UGs.
> Ok did not have an idea about volunteers, ok!
> [ ] voulunteers count
>> Would be nice to maybe have someone to come up with a high-level
>> description od the conference an a brief marketing plan just so volunteers
>> would go what do do and where to do when they join.
> Some rough sketches:
> - FlaskCon: community organised conf
> - Free conference
> - WorldWide & remote
> - We can keep a list of invited UGs
> - Collaborating UGs invite those within their regions first and tick
> off (on Trello?)
> - We can link to a tweet when inviting
> Needs expansion
> sidenote: will create own socialmedia accounts for it unless a UG is
> managing this part
>> About the programming, we think that it's easier on everyone if the talks
>> are shorter soI would vote for the 20~30 min talks with 5~10 min of Q&A.
>> Leaving time for breaks and all. I'd also suggest that the LT would be
>> mixed into the bowl instead of an entire day just for them. Since they are
>> fun and lighter we could have an LT session by the end of each day and get
>> everything a bit more dynamic and fun. Let me know what you think.
> Ok for 20 ~ 30mins
> (how many talks per day? 5?)
> LT sessions (how many and how many mins)?
> (5 of 10mins)?
> LT sessions when decided beforehand or on the spot?
> Note: BCCed some PyMUG members + Mr David
> This is happening!!!
>> Can't wait to say 'Welcome to the 1st edition of FlaskCon, everyone!"
>> Keep in touch,
>> --
>> Lais Carvalho
>> Student, remote events organiser & tech enthusiast
>> Mobile: +353838020216
>> Email: lais.carvalho at python.ie
>> www.laiscarvalho.com
>> [image: Banner]
>> <https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public>
>> [image: facebook icon] <https://www.facebook.com/laisbsc> [image:
>> twitter icon] <https://twitter.com/lais_bsc> [image: linkedin icon]
>> <https://www.linkedin.com/in/lais-barbara-carvalho/> [image: instagram
>> icon] <https://www.instagram.com/laiscarvalho/>
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