[BangPypers] Call for Speakers for Upcoming Meetups

Ritesh Agrawal udr.ritesh at gmail.com
Mon Oct 26 07:23:03 EDT 2020

Hi all

This mail is regarding a call for speakers for upcoming meetups.

If you want to present a talk or showcase something in the domain
you did using Python or some library you learnt, please fill the following
 form and we will get back to you.
You can submit talks in range of domains like Web, Data Science, IOT,
infrastructure, security, etc. If you think that you would be short of time
for preparation for the talk, I would still suggest to submit the proposal
we can include it in later meetups.

For any clarification, feel free to mail me - RItesh (udr.ritesh at gmail.com
Abhiram (abhi.darkness at gmail.com) or Anirudh (anirudhastark at gmail.com)


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