[Baypiggies] meet & greet

Donna M. Snow donnamsnow at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 17:20:03 CET 2006

I'm probably going to attend the meet & greet... like Anna said I'm more 
interested in getting to know other's who work with Python. My business 
is growing and I'm reaching a point where I'm going to need to reach out 
and ask for some help here and there and it's nice to know who is out 
there and what they can do..

That said.. since it is meet & greet should we plan on bringing 
refreshments? If it's ok with google (leslie?) I have a 40 cup 
coffeemaker I can bring, steve (hindle) drinks a lot of coffee :-P.

I can bring that..coffee and coffee accessories (sugar, creamer, etc) .. 
does someone else want to bring cupcakes or cookies (Stella Doro cookies 
seem like a good choice)?? (if coffee is kinda rough for some in the 
evening.. we can maybe grab a couple bottles of soda or juice?)

Also, I don't drive so if someone lives near Westgate (Saratoga and 
Campbell) and would like to share a ride to Google that evening.. I'll 
buy you dinner!
(Steve's attendance is kinda up in the air at the moment.. so let's say 
we need a ride for both.. and then if he can't make it I'll let you know).

Best Regards,
Donna M. Snow

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