[Baypiggies] Windows python installers?
Dennis Reinhardt
DennisR at dair.com
Tue Dec 12 01:50:56 CET 2006
Thanks Max. I am not worried about including needed .dlls. My concern is
eliminating *unneeded* dlls.
What is needed or unneeded can best be determined dynamically. Indeed, I
have seen WXPython wrap an import with try-except where the exception
specifies an alternate import.
A static analysis might include both such imports. My manual analysis
allows me to pick the one which minimizes download size subject to
I roll my own install packaging to have control over download size. Doing
so serves me well. I mentioned roll your own in context as a doable
alternative to python installers.
Without WX, my present DialogDevil download is 695,446 bytes. The
DialogDevil version I am working on now uses much of WXPython (and several
pyd) and is 3,687,453 bytes.
Regards, Dennis
At 04:14 PM 12/11/2006, Max Slimmer wrote:
>I have a windows product that I use py2exe (along with setup.py) and then I
>use a comercial product similar to installshield etal. There are some
>opensource install pkgs on source forge in fact there is a free gui for the
>one I use ("Ghost Installer GUI"). And many more. I am guessing that since
>you mentioned .exe that you are targeting windows. Py2exe can generate a zip
>library and will include all the needed .dll's such as wxpython.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: baypiggies-bounces at python.org
> > [mailto:baypiggies-bounces at python.org] On Behalf Of Dennis Reinhardt
> > Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 3:13 PM
> > To: baypiggies at python.org
> > Subject: Re: [Baypiggies] Windows python installers?
> >
> >
> > >Anyone have a pointer?
> >
> >
> > Sorry, I have always rolled my own by embedding the files I
> > want inside a self-extracting compression executable. I use
> > WinRaR to compress my code.
> >
> > In distributing WXPython, I have found it handy to compress
> > what I need from WXPython into its own separate exe file.
> > Then I only have to deal with a single file during build.
> >
| Dennis | DennisR at dair.com |
| Reinhardt | http://www.dair.com |
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