[Baypiggies] Dec. 14 Meeting "Programming Productivity: What Really Matters?"
Dennis Reinhardt
DennisR at dair.com
Thu Dec 14 03:17:51 CET 2006
At 05:22 PM 12/13/2006, Anna Ravenscroft wrote:
>OR can we have some freeform socializing BEFORE the official part of
>the meeting -
I have regularly attended the pre-dinner meetings Brian has organized (at
least the ones at IronPort). They may well be the social time you are
looking for and in the time frame you ask for.
If one looks at the agenda template we have had this year, it looks like:
7:00 - 7:30 unstructured pre-meeting
7:30 - 9:00 meeting program
Nothing has prevented people from socializing in the 7:00 - 7:30
pre-meeting time frame. By my observation, not that much socialization
gets done then. Whatever limiters there are in socializing in the 7:00 to
7:30 time frame are likely to affect tomorrow's meeting as well. Suppose
we revise the schedule to read
7:00 - x:yz social
x:yz - 9:00 program
I don't think moving the 7:00 earlier is that easy without checking the
room schedule or someone from Google taking responsibility for being
there. Could happen but the fact is that we already have an time preceding
every meeting where completely unstructured socialization is possible.
Suppose we set x:yz to 7:40, allowing JJ's presentation to take the entire
80 minutes. IMO, we have run that experiment as well and it is called
starting the meeting 10 minutes late. I have not seen the demand for that.
The major alternative here is set x:yz to 9:00 and shut down JJ's talk
entirely. My sense is that JJ has a great talk planned and while meet and
greet was preferred to no meeting at all, JJ's unabridged talk and
free-for-all discussion (i.e. what passes for socialization for some of us)
is a preferred use of the time available.
If you have not attended the pre-meeting dinners, I can recommend them as a
good way to socialize.
| Dennis | DennisR at dair.com |
| Reinhardt | http://www.dair.com |
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