[Baypiggies] Dec. 14 Meeting "Programming Productivity: What Really Matters?"
Marilyn Davis
marilyn at deliberate.com
Thu Dec 14 06:56:50 CET 2006
----- On Wednesday, December 13, 2006 annaraven at gmail.com wrote:
> Okay - let me describe what I mean by "socializing".
> To me, socializing is not:
> "mapping" (mapping is a formal structure grouping up people and the
> grouping process seems to take forever.)
> dinner (getting stuck next to someone I've never met and have nothing
> in common with and having to make smalltalk with them for the next
> hour is my idea of hell.)
> extending the Q&A session after a presentation - leaving those of us
> who have heard enough stuck with the choice of being *rude* or waiting
> patiently in hopes that eventually we can stand up and go talk to
> someone we have been wanting to talk with - which usually happens
> about 5 minutes before we're kicked out of the room...
> Milling around in the lobby of google waiting to fill out a badge and
> be shepherded up to a room just in time for the presentation to start.
> Not everyone is there, and we're usually rather distracted.
Yeh. We are not allowed in early, as far as I know. The lobby is not the right thing. We're not there yet.
Google is providing snacks? How do the snacks get snacked upon if the program starts when people first arrive?
So far, it seems to me, this little disagreement we are having is divided against the gender axis. Just commenting, I don't have any judgement or conclusion about it, I just find it interesting.
I'm looking forward to whatever part I'm able to get to.
> Socializing - what I'm asking for - is a chance to talk to people, _by
> choice_ -- not by enforced proximity or structured format -- including
> the chance to walk around and talk to more than one person. Having
> snacks and beverages is nice.
> I would like a chance to socialize.
> Cordially,
> Anna
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