[Baypiggies] Hi all -can anyone convert this code to python---many thanks

Bryan O'Sullivan bos at serpentine.com
Thu Dec 14 20:48:44 CET 2006

Sharon Kazemi wrote:

> have below code that needs to be recoded into Python for use in ESRI ArcGIS
> software.
> I would greatly appreciate any assistance.

Hi, Sheri -

I see you spammed the Python.NET list with the same homework question, 
and gifted them with a corresponding huge list digest attachment, too.

Not to be put off by such small matters, I've written a version of the 
routine you cited in Haskell.  I trust you'll have an easier time 
translating it into Python.



furthest :: [(Float, Float)] -> (Int, Float)
furthest ps | length ps < 2 = (0, -1.0)
             | otherwise     = maxList $ zip (intsFrom 1) $
                               map dist $ tail ps
             where (bx, by) = head ps
                   (cx, cy) = last ps
                   bcx      = cx - bx
                   bcy      = cy - by
                   intsFrom n = n : intsFrom (n + 1)
                   maxList (x:xs) = foldl maxDist x xs
                   maxDist a1@(_, d1) a2@(_, d2) | d1 > d2   = a1
                                                 | otherwise = a2
                   dist (ax, ay) = let bax = ax - bx
                                       bay = ay - by
                                       cax = ax - cx
                                       cay = ay - cy
                                       d = cax * bay - cay * bax
                                   if bcx * bax + bcy * bay <= 0.0
                                   then bax * bax + bay * bay
                                   else if bcx * cax + bcy * cay >= 0.0
                                        then cax * cax + cay * cay
                                        else d * d / (bcx*bcx+bcy*bcy)

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