[Baypiggies] Google/Snacks..

Donna M. Snow donnamsnow at gmail.com
Thu Jun 15 02:29:18 CEST 2006

Hi Guys,

I landed a great gig rebuilding a "news" site in Zope and Plone and need 
to tone down my volunteer stuff.

I'm going to have to step down as snack guru and hope someone else will 
come forward to handle the pizza and drinks for the meetings.

I still plan on maintaining the website (and attending Google meetings) 
and moving everything over to Plone..I just can't do the snacks at this 

This weekend I plan on moving content from current site to the new site 
(we'll keep content up on current site until we are done migrating to 
the new one)

Dennis..please send me the July info and I'll get that up by this 
weekend (and archive June)

Donna M. Snow

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