[Baypiggies] Unconfirmed for December meeting

Dennis Reinhardt DennisR at dair.com
Wed Nov 15 02:53:39 CET 2006

In looking over the lineup for the December meeting, the only private 
confirmation response for December has come from Tony Cappellini for ~15 
minute presentation (thanks).

Marilyn (for IDE portion) and I have not heard from:

	Ken Seehart -  Komodo (~15 min)
	Robert Stephenson - Laser presentation control (30 minutes)

We know Steve Hindle will not be able to present in December and so we have 
a confirmation response from him (thanks).

Donna/Tony, I see Tony has posted a book offer on the Plone development 
part of Baypiggies site.  Did he do that?  If so, I think it would be great 
to have a short "user experience" report on the Plone presentation redo 
presently scheduled for January.  If we don't get confirmation, does moving 
the Plone presentation to December work for Donna?  Would Tony be able/want 
to contribute to a Baypiggies site Plone presentation?

If anyone has a presentation they would like to give, we may shortly have 
an opening in December or a cancelled meeting.

Regards, Dennis

| Dennis    | DennisR at dair.com    |
| Reinhardt | http://www.dair.com |

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