[Baypiggies] April snippets meeting - tdc, undent, let/IN, property2

Doug Landauer zia at cruzio.com
Fri Apr 13 10:43:47 CEST 2007

The snippets I talked about at the 12 April meeting (plus a couple
more) are in my weblog entry here:


A few things I forgot to mention about my three-character date stamp:

  * I call the script "tdc" but I've forgotten what the "C" stood for.
     Maybe "Converter".

  * It's actually a six-character date-and-time stamp, with a
     one-second precision and a 26- or 52-year range (26 only if
     you're using it for filenames *and* you aren't using a case-
     sensitive filesystem).

  * I've been using it since 2001.

  * In its most frequently-used form, it's a (zsh) shell function, and
     I arranged to have my zsh call it before every prompt, and insert
     its output into every prompt.  Available on request.

  * When I use it manually, it's usually just the 3-character date
     part, as a filename prefix.

  * A string sort on these is also a chronological sort.

  * Google for "gigo beH" to see my 2002/05/13 entry about it
     (it's the second result, today).

About undent:

  * Google for "gigo undent" to see my February entry about that.
     I prefer the look of having a separator character, over the
     barer-looking form that is used with the library function that
     Drew mentioned (textwrap.dedent) and with the ASPN cookbook entry.

  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

  Chris Clark already sent out a message about the unicode/normalization
  snippet that he presented.

  Let me (DAL) just add this:   http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr15/
  makes it pretty clear that "NFKD" is *not* an acronym; the
  NF stands for "Normalization Form", but the "KD" stands
  somehow for "Compatibility Decomposition".

  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
# Zach Collins posted a nice small snippet that allows you to
# use a "let" syntax similar to what scheme or OCaml have:
#       "let <var1> = <expr1>,
#            <var2> = <expr2>
#        IN <exprN>"
#  The code snippet itself is tiny:

class let:
     def __init__(self, **kwds):
         self.kwds = kwds
     def IN(self, func):
         return func(**self.kwds)

# It looks trivial, but it lets you name and initialize
#  temporary variables, then use them in a longer expression,
#  and then disappear (i.e., without polluting the containing
#  scope).

# Here's the sample Zach typed in, mostly from memory; a fragment
#  from a "Longest Common Substring" calculation.  I think I've
#  removed all of the removable backslashes:

left = \
   let( rightToLeftLcsTable =
          let( leftHalf = str2[:right + 1],
               firstRow = [0] * len(str2) ).
          IN(lambda leftHalf, firstRow:
              lcsTable(stringReverse(str1), stringReverse(leftHalf), 
firstRow, eq)
                    + [firstRow])). \
   IN(lambda rightToLeftLcsTable:
            ({"const": -1}, -1),
            (__, lambda x: x - 1)))

# Here's a bit of a "how it works" note that I didn't notice during
#  the meeting:  Notice the dot at the end of each of the lines
#  that precedes an "IN(...)" line.  The "IN" is a member function
#  called on the "let" object.  So the value of the expression as
#  a whole is as if you had typed:
#     let_obj = let( ... )       # set those variables
#     left    = let_obj.IN( <lambda function that uses those variables> 
# Cool, though if I were doing it, I think I'd be using one- or 
#  variable names instead of 8 to 19-letter names.  I wonder if there's 
#  way to do this that lowers the repetition factor (i.e., doesn't 
#  you to type each variable name at least twice)..
# Note that the cool-looking "match" function is left as an exercise
#  for the reader.

  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Responding to Marilyn Davis' snippet about the "property" decorator
function, Drew showed an implementation of "property2" which
can be used with the "@" attribute syntax, unlike the Python
library "property" decorator.  Also left as an exercise for
the reader, or for Drew to post here in due time.

  -- Doug Landauer

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