[Baypiggies] Discussion for newbies/beginner night talks

Dennis Reinhardt DennisR at dair.com
Sat Feb 10 05:46:45 CET 2007

At 08:28 PM 2/9/2007, Laszlo Antal wrote:
>This is a great thread.
>I want to thank everyone for sharing their wisdom.
>Keep it coming.

I *was* going to duck out because I was outnumbered by those favoring 
triple quoting.

Yes, triple quoting can work for simple situations.  The triple quoting 
examples displayed in this thread have been just that: simple.  They do not 
include conditionally executed code or do parameter substitution.  What 
they do is obscure the block structure of the code.

Here is a code fragment from my talk last night (foil 15, I believe).  How 
would you re-write this to utilize triple quoting?  The task here is to 
build a two level visual tree structure:

# build entire initial tree structure
def init_tree(ht_obj):
     html = "<table border=0>"
     index = 0
     last_exe = ""
     for xml_entry in util_actwin.display_list("enm", "+"):
         exe_name = str_extract(xml_entry, ["enm"])
         keye   = safe_int(str_extract(xml_entry, ["key"]))
         act = str_extract(xml_entry, ["act"])
         #logger("init_tree %s %s" % (keye, exe_name))
         fname, exe = exe_name.split(".")
         if fname != last_exe:
             html += "<tr>"
             if fname == expanded_node:
                 html += "<td><img src=image/slct32.gif border=0></td>"
                 html += "\r\n<td><a 
href=edt_main.py?slct=expand&fname=%s>" % fname
                 html += "<%s></a></td>\r\n" % hovered_img(ht_obj, index)
             html += "<td><img src=%s width=32 height=32></td>" % 
             html += "<td>%s</td>" % fname
             html += "<td>&nbsp;</td>"
             html += "</tr>"
         if fname == expanded_node:
             html += "<tr>"
             html += "<td>&nbsp;</td>"
             parm_index = safe_int_default(ht_obj.param("index"), -1)
             if parm_index == keye:
                 html += "<td><img src=image/slct32.gif border=0></td>"
                 html += "<td><img src=%s " % get_action_image(xml_entry)
                 html +=     "width=32 height=32 border=0></td>"
                 html += "<td><a href=edt_main.py?slct=edit"
                 html +=     "&class=tree_open32"
                 html +=     "&index=%s"       % keye
                 html +=     "&act=%s"         % act
                 html +=     "><%s></a></td>" % hovered_img(ht_obj, index)
                 html += "<td><img src=%s " % get_action_image(xml_entry)
                 html +=     "width=16 height=16 border=0></td>"
             html += "<td>%s</td>" % get_caption(xml_entry)
             html += "</tr>"
         last_exe = fname
         index += 1
     html += "</table>"
     return html

| Dennis    | DennisR at dair.com    |
| Reinhardt | http://www.dair.com |

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