[Baypiggies] baypiggies.net doesn't have tonight's meeting details

Donna Snow donnamsnow at gmail.com
Fri Jun 15 03:38:30 CEST 2007

We have a live Plone site here.. ready to be filled with content..

It's been sitting there for months now..


Actually.. I have GoToMeeting.. maybe we should setup an online
meeting with conference where I can show people how to update the
site..(add content.. etc)

Just seems silly to rebuild when we have a new one already.. it just
needs content and willing content providers...

(I need to optimize it for speed.. Plone's slow out of the box.. but
turning off some of the default stuff speeds it up considerably)

Anyone up for an online meeting/training? say sometime next week?


On 6/14/07, Keith Dart ♂ <keith at dartworks.biz> wrote:
> David Cramer wrote the following on 2007-06-14 at 17:59 PDT:
> ===
> > Could always setup the site using Django :)
> >
> > Could take as little as a day (including server setup)
> ===
> I have a dedicated host I could donate the use of. We would have
> complete control of it there, including automated updates. ;-)
> --
> -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>    Keith Dart <keith at dartworks.biz>
>    public key: ID: 19017044
>    <http://www.dartworks.biz/>
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