[Baypiggies] LUGRadio- Free O'Reilly book?- Register Now- This Weekend April 12-13
john_re at fastmail.us
Fri Apr 11 12:38:53 CEST 2008
If I was in a position to give you a _FREE_ O'Reilly book, I surely
would. I'd give a book to you by carbon sequestering tree material. I'd
give a book to you by online access.
I'd give a book to you by telepathic nanobot mind implants.
http://io9.com [ Hi Annalee ]
While back I sent out a fun/humorous announcement about the great UK
LUGRadio Live event in SanFran this weekend April 12-13.
svlug] Event- 080412-13 Sat-Sun LugRadio Live USA ((SFO)) john_re
Didn't care about winning any prizes, just wanted to spread the word for
what looks like a great event, didn't suggest anyone list me as a
Now it turns out I'm interested in getting this eeepc they're giving
away, & Stuart Langridge encourages me:
> you have two days
> yet -- get out there and evangelise and you're in with a chance :-)
What more could I hope for? :) Also know I've got at least 1 referral
in already.
This means there's still time for YOU to possibly get a FREE O'Reilly
BOOK & a Free T-shirt by registering online if you haven't yet.
Register online for the event (only $10, credit card needed), put in
referrer "john_re", & _you_ could get an O'Reilly book. (if I'm the top
"referrer" - could be a likely possibility, see below.)
No credit card? You're still OK, ask one of your friends: "I say, fine
lady, I'll gladly bring you a free wardrobe item (t-shirt), & pay you
$10- cash right now, if you'd please register me online for this chipper
LUGRadio event! Might even come back with a job offer or two."
Fun, 35 speakers, 40 exhibitors, hang out with the .orgs, hiring
companies, two days, free party at Gillians, schwag, chance to learn
useful skills/tips from top people, be on live global internet Linux
radio, camaraderie, personal networking, BOFs, hack on software, hack on
hardware, chance to help progress GLFOSS, etc.
Get your friends to register also & make it a party. :)
Thank you for your consideration. :)
- [Please enter referrer "john_re"]
PS: Please email me if you use this referral. john_re at fastmail dot us
That way I can keep you updated if you care to know how the referrals
are progressing. Thank you. :)
Python notes:
. Guido, why aren't you giving a talk there?
. SFPerl Mongers are exhibitors - why not BayPiggies? Still time?
. Speak with Ubuntu exhibitors about their python infrastructure.
Also, why no Google Summer of Code speakers?
Registration for LugRadio Live USA 2008 is now open!! Pre-registering
guarantees you a place at the show, and also includes some additional
Pre-Registered guests are guaranteed entry - we expect a high number of
guests at the show.
First 50 registrations get a free copy of Postal 2 (subject to age
Entry into a raffle to win a number of prizes.
Special additional freebies.
Special entry into additional competitions
12th and 13th April 2008 Sat Sun - The Metreon Theater, San Francisco
EXHIBITORS, .ORGs: Google, Dice, GNOME, PostgreSQL, OReilly, OpenSuSE,
Magnatune, Neuros, Sun, Texas Instruments, South California Linux Expo,
Komputers 4 R Kids, San Francisco LUG, BytesFree.org, Ontario Linux
Fest, Frets on Fire, OpenNMS, One Course Source, Haiku, Hyperic,
BitNami, OpenStreetMap, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Inkscape, Mandriva, One Laptop
Per Child San Francisco, KDE, Linux Pro Magazine, San Francisco
Community Colocation Project, Indamixx, Untangle, SF Hardware Hacking
Community, The Digital Tipping Point, San Francisco Perl Mongers,
ZaReason, EFF, Usenix, LAMPSIG, mediaarchives.com, Xiph, Joomla, Drupal
SPEAKERS: Miguel de Icaza (Mono / Novell / Co-Founder Of GNOME), Ian
Murdoch (OpenSolaris / Founder Of Debian), Robert Love (GNOME / Google),
Aza Raskin (Mozilla / Humanized), Benjamin Mako Hill (Ubuntu / Debian /
FSF), John Buckman (Magnatune), Val Henson (Kernel / VAH consulting),
Christopher Blizzard (Mozilla / GNOME), Mike Linksvayer (Creative
Commons), David Schleef (GStreamer), Matthew Garrett (Power Management /
Kernel), Danese Cooper (Intel / OSI), Aaron Bockover (Banshee / Novell),
Liana Holmberg (Second Life / Linden Lab), Emma Jane Hogbin (Hick Tech),
Joe Zonker Brockmeier (OpenSuSE / Novell), Kristen Accardi (Kernel), Joe
Born (Neuros), Selena Deckelmann (PostgreSQL), Stewart Smith (MySQL),
Dan Kegel (Wine), Ben Collins (Ubuntu / Kernel), Jason Kridner (Texas
Instruments), Jeremy Allison (Samba / Google), Christian Hammond
(VMWare), Ian McKeller (Songbird), Alison Randall (Parrot / Perl /
OSCON), David Huffman (LVM), Brian Will (Pigeon), Belinda Lopez
(Ubuntu), Ilan Rabinovitch (SoCal Linux Expo), Eddy Mulyono (Packaging),
Matthew Walster (Demo Scene)
SPONSORS: Google, DICE, LinuxQuestions
Awesome eeepc hack:
# Massive internal modification to my Eee 4G
# Hacks and Modifications
# » USB Hub + Bluetooth + GPS + Flashdrive + Card reader + FM
**!!**!! WARNING - WARNING - GEEK pr0n **!!**!! NNSFW !!!!!@!
Full disclosure:
I don't want to step on anyone's toes.
1) Leslie Hawthorn also announced Lugradio on this list, didn't mention
the free book, didn't request referral, is a Google employee, is an
event organizer, thus unlikely to qualify for the referral prizes.
Also, I've reviewed about 8 bay area mailing GLFOSS lists. None have
postings from anyone mentioning the free book, nor requesting people use
their names as referrer.
I will get this announcement out to about 12 local groups and some
schools & companies.
Thus, looks clear to use "john_re" for referral as most likely to be
successful for getting free book, shirt & other pre-reg raffle prizes &
freebies, etc.
- [Please enter referrer "john_re"]
Thanks. Cheers :)
john_re at fastmail.us
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